Saturday, January 06, 2007

Meanwhile in Charleroi Pennsylvania...

The Charleroi area high school's girl's basketball team, The Charleroi Cougars, also known as the "Thieving Gypsies" were stunned to find themselves at the center of a controversy over their "unofficial" logo Django Gypsy. Local Gypsy community leader Enver Hoxa, of no fixed address, has demanded that the team's logo be scrapped or at the very least altered and had this to say, "We object strongly to the knife." "That's a shocking racist image." "We don't want to be seen as people who would rob you at knife point like some Mexican, a Gypsy can drift by you like a warm breeze, taking your wallet, your clothes, or even parts of your body and an hour later you still don't know what happened and I'm renting DVDs on your credit card and feeding your ears to my dog." When asked for a reaction, girl's basketball coach Stephanie "hoops" Koskoski said, "I didn't even know Gypsies were real."


Blogger Phil said... this for real? did you write this?

8:51 PM  

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