Wednesday, November 08, 2006

President Daniel Ortega

"My idol was Sandino, and also Christ. I was brought up a Christian, but I regarded Christ as a rebel, a revolutionary."

I used to like this guy, he help remove a corrupt dictator from power and stood up to the American war machine. Ortega's government would set up community farms for poor people, people who were little more than serfs before the revolution, were finally working for themselves and their community. The US backed "Contras" (funded by C.I.A. gun and drug running) would come down from the hills, kill everyone and destroy the farm, YAY FREEDOM! Daniel's run as president lasted five years before he was voted out of office but if nothing else he brought democracy to Nicaragua and it was democracy, not the barrel of a gun that brought him back to power this week. In his run for president he made much of his new devotion to Christ and the Catholic church. (sigh) He is still the candidate of the poor but he plans to outlaw abortion (due to his new Christian values). Daniel, Daniel, Daniel...remember, before your mind was poisoned by religion, you believed that making abortion illegal only hurts poor women. You can't stop pregnancy. You can't stop women from trying to terminate pregnancies. Rich women will find safe ways to do so. Poor women will bleed to death on dirty floors. Maybe Ronald Reagan and Oliver North won after all.


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