Sunday, September 17, 2006

the muslims are pissed again...

...but this time you have to admit, their anger is somewhat justified. The new pope quoted a 14th century Byzantine emporor calling islam evil and inhuman. If you read the actual quote, it's not all that outragous, considering it was taken out of the context of a 14th century theological debate. I think that's new pope's problem, just like old pope, he's trying to deal with modern problems by looking backward, CONTEMPORIZE MAN! Ya, I know the whole christian/muslim thing has been around for almost 2000 years, but there are social and political issues at the core of this dispute that our modern eyes can clearly see. (unless you're part of the Bush administration) so say you're sorry, new pope and in the future try not to quote someone who's point is basicaly, "your religion lacks validity, so shut up" and remember to generaly watch what you say, I think you and your christianity are shit but there are people out there who think you represent me. And to the muslims, two things, as always, lighten up for fuck sakes, and your pope effigies sucked, I know you're just going to burn them anyway, but come on, a paper bag for a hat? people all over the world are going to see that, put in a little effort.


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